Thursday, June 19, 2008

Young man, there's a place you can't go...

With due respect to the 168 or so Moms and tourists who still get riled up over the grounds crew rendition of YMCA, the rest of the Yankees Universe is politely asking that this one tradition be left in the House The Ruth Built.

Our feelings toward YMCA have gradually evolved from a “grin and bear it” attitude through the late 1990’s (when the Bombers were setting the league on fire!) to curiosity as to why this one facet of the production has dragged along despite a plainly and invariably disengaged Stadium crowd. Now, we just feel pity for the grounds crew. They are men trying to feed their families – let them do so with dignity!

To be clear, we here at are not high-falutin' fans aiming to abolish all of the dumb fun. Long live the Great City Subway Race, Yankees song choice (Bernie loves Terence Trent D’arby) and, above all, Freddy. But down with YMCA*.

Please sign your name at and let your voice be heard: THE YMCA MUST GO! Once our goal of 55,000 signatures is reached (the capacity of the current Yankee Stadium, also roughly the number of people who ignore the YMCA show during any given game), we'll forward it on to Hank & Hal Steinbrenner.

*Cotton-Eyed Joey, too.


Anonymous said...

I'd rather listen to YMCA than John Sterling, Suzyn Waldman and Michael Kay.

Charlie said...

I like the YMCA and i think it is a clever routine that the groundkeepers started and should continue

King said...

You lost your argument when you used the phrase "yankee universe".

Elizabeth said...

YMCA needs to go. Have you seen the grounds crew doing it lately? They look like they're on their way to a funeral. Not to mention there's always that one guy who is not quite on the beat... the "wave" has gotten more of a response lately that the YMCA song. Let the YMCA be reserved for it's proper home: Bar Mitzvahs.

Coz said...

The real abomination at Yankee stadium is the play of the bombers. Get rid of all the overpriced has-beens on this roster and start over. We're never winning a championship with A-Fraud. Oh, and what happened to Jeter's MVP season? Maybe he should have spent a little less time filming crappy Ford commercials and more time taking grounders and hitting in the cage.